Austrian Cutie Stefan Podany
I've said before that a few of my buddies offer some insights into who they love to see in the fashion world when it comes to sexy hunks. But for this one I asked a female friend. She's worked in PR for a little while now and one of her jobs is to work with some of the UK fashion world, specifically getting guys in front of the cameras to present a brand. She's always looking through the mags and picking out inspiration for another marketing project.
Stefan Podany is - in her view - underrated in the modeling world. He's really handsome and youthful, and I suppose that's what gave him his break as an A&F model in 2008, before he transitioned into the European modeling scene. Appearing in front of the cameras for legendary Bruce Weber just added more weight to his career and since then he's walked the runway for John Galliano (careful!)
In this collection of images he appears for the talented Julia Spicker. I really like these pics, simply because they show off his handsome features really well, in perfect light, with a sense of dreaminess about them too. They're not overtly erotic, but they're stylish and pretty hot.