Men of GBB

So I want to try something new here. We often get emails from our users with their own pictures saying they either want to be featured or they want to be a model. So let’s see what all of you got! We want to feature you in our Men of GBB posts. Email your best shot OF YOURSELF (you can not submit for someone else) to webmaster(at) OR submit this contact form and select Men of GBB as your subject. Now I’m not sure how often we will feature images of our users. It all depends on how many we receive. Perhaps we eventually can regularly feature monthly or weekly Men of GBB posts. If you send in your pic, keep checking back to see if it’s posted. We will post it as soon as we get enough images to make a featured Men of GBB post. We do not reply to Men of GBB emails and we do not use your email for ANYTHING else.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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