Tagged: Models


The Big Wet Cock Of Handsome Javier Markham

Okay, so this guy isn’t technically naked, but I think he definitely qualifies to be in a Nude post on the Gay Body Blog considering how incredibly revealing this shoot is. Yes, this is another awesomely sexy shoot by photographer Steve France, and it’s perhaps the most revealing one he’s ever given us. There might be more out there, but...


Uncut Male Model Brandy Martignago Gets His Dick Out

So, it seems that an unknown hunk we saw on the Gay Body Blog showing off some of the gear from Cocksox Australia was in fact sexy and handsome Brandy Martignago. Thanks go to reader Calvin Tyler for letting me know, and for leading me down this incredibly sexy path! I don’t mind being distracted and led down a rabbit...


Random Hot Naked Men For Your Pleasure

I love compiling these little collections of random hot naked men together for you guys to appreciate. I admit that it’s sometimes much easier to get some sexy dudes together for a post than seeking out enough photos of one male model with his dick out for a nude post. In this case these genuinely are sexy dudes I happened...


We Need More Of Josef Lauvers Naked

I was hoping to find a great nude shoot to share with you guys today, something special, something hot, someone handsome… then a friend emailed me a pic of Josef Lauvers by Eduardo Bravin and I went looking for more (thanks Josh!) I’m going to say right from the start that this shoot does something for me, not just because...


Guilherme Pacheco, Junior Haikel & Lucas Gois Are Looking So Good!

Handsome and hunky men Guilherme Pacheco, Junior Haikel and Lucas Gois make a great team for this amazing shoot by photographer Laércio Luz. Without going back through all the posts on the blog I am pretty sure I’m right when I say we’ve seen each of these men at one time or another, and they probably got a lot of...


Slick It Up And Marco Ovando Deliver Us Some Hunks From The 80’s

It’s been a while since we’ve seen some handsome hunks showing off the gear from Slick It Up, but this new shoot is a great opportunity to bring something delicious to the masses! I think we can all understand why this collection of photos is getting so much attention, and I don’t think it really has anything to do with...


Muscled Hunks Posing For Addicted

This is one of those brands that always delivers great shoots with some truly hot men, and this collection of photos is definitely no different. I have no doubt some of you recognize every one of these guys showing off for them and displaying their gear perfectly, but lets see if you can name them in the comments. Here, I’ll...


Andrew Christian Has More Porn Stars In Their Gear And Its Delicious

It seems that over the last ten years there’s been an explosion of male underwear brands appearing out there, some of the survive and grow while others seem to fade away without much fanfare. Andrew Christian is one of the former of course, although it started back in 2001 it soon grabbed the perfect audience by promoting its gear with...


Some Delicious Random Naked Men For Your Thursday

Checking out some random naked men will always make your day better. I went for a swim last night, something I haven’t done for a long time. It’s been at least five years and I don’t actually know why I stopped going. I think I might be picking it up again after last night though. It was an adult session...


Aronik Knows How To Impress With Their Men

Okay guys, I know Monday can be a bit shitty for many, so if that’s the case for you this afternoon then I hope this collection of handsome hunks from Aronik Swimwear might cheer you up a little, or at least give you something nice to look at while you procrastinate and avoid doing some of that mountain of work...


Naked Muscle Men By Nick Mesh

Hello guys. I hope your weekend is going well so far! Mine is lovely, I’m chilling out today and binge watching Urban Explorer videos on YouTube – yeah, it interests me! That’s not all I’m doing of course, ‘m also checking out some handsome and hunky men out there on the internet. Although, I didn’t have to go far for...


It’s A Boys Weekend Away And We All Want To Be There

What’s better than a handsome and hot young man showing off his gorgeous body? THREE handsome and hot young men all showing off what they’re got! I saw this shoot out there today and instantly knew that you guys would appreciate it as much as I have, even though it’s another one of those beach shoots we see pretty much...


More Gorgeous Men By Paul Dedona

I went out for a drink last night and met up with a friend I haven’t seen for a while, things obviously got a little messy and I’m dealing the hangover consequences today. It’s okay though, it’s not too bad and I at least get to use it as an excuse to avoid a family function and spend the day...


Hunks Of London – Some Damn Fine Men!

Good Thursday everyone! I hope you’re looking forward to the weekend. I certainly am, it’s been one of those weeks. This collection of photos from Andrew Morrill cheered me up though, and I think plenty of you guys will appreciate these hunks too. This is a shoot for his calendar (yep, it’s that time of year again already!) titled “Hunks...


Would You Look At All That Muscle!

I’ve seen a few shoots by photographer Sasha Kosmos today after going looking, and I have to admit that I am very impressed by what I’ve seen! With hunky male models like this appearing in most of what I’ve checked out today, I think it was inevitable that it would end up on the blog for you guys to check...


Chaze And Juan By Gert Kist

Of course I have to start this post by wishing all our American readers a very happy 4th July! I hope you’re all having a great day, enjoying some beers and going to at least one BBQ. I hear that’s a big thing over there for this particular weekend, in the UK we tend to start firing up the grill...