We Need To See Tyler Sarry Naked After This Teasing Shoot

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I'm not going to beat around the bush here, we need to see Tyler Sarry naked after enjoying this first look at the gorgeous man.

Even though this is classified as a nude post I do that when we see an inch or more of shaft, and I think this qualifies even though we need more lol

I opened my emails this morning and one of my friends yelled at me (in text form) that we'd never had Tyler here on the blog before. He made clear that this is an unacceptable oversight on my part, and when I saw these photos I was compelled to agree.

Would it be a surprise to any of you when I say he's an influencer? Probably not.

He's not one of those guys who makes it all about that.

He's fitness professional, but he doesn't say he's a personal trainer. I think people might be getting a little bored of that term, it seems every hot guy on Instagram calls themselves that lol

Tyler is definitely an underwear model.

With a body and a cock like that you have to be, right?

We've talked about this before. When a dude is handsome, has a damn fine body and he can fill out a pouch the way this man can, he needs to be posing in underwear!

I haven't found the pics yet but I'm pretty sure there has to be at least one shoot with Tyler Sarry naked. And I mean totally nude; balls hanging, dick swinging naked.

I'll find it if it exists :)

In the meantime leave a comment and hit that thumbs up button!

Have a great Tuesday and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

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1 year ago

petit à petit l’oiseau sortira du nid et qui seront les ravis ? moi pas trop mais le maître des lieux connait bien son public

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