Sexy Guys In Underwear – With Pouty Face

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Okay guys, I had to get this collection of pics on here for you to check out, for more reasons than you might expect. First of all this shoot for WAPO underwear is pretty sexy, with a couple of guys I think we can all appreciate. What's not to like about two handsome young jocks showing off their muscles and bulges? But aside from that I found myself chuckling at the whole "pouty face" thing. Come on guys, you know what I mean, and I have a feeling at least some of you have taken enough selfies with that exact same expression lol Someone needs to tell this handsome young man that being a male model is not the same as taking selfies for your latest dating profile :) Even with that cliche expression he's pretty hot though, right? I mean, I might be tempted to slap that look off his face if he did it too often (joke, slapping people is obviously wrong) but I wouldn't let something minor like that stop me from enjoying my time with him. Anyway, enjoy the pics, leave a comment and give these guys a thumbs-up too, feel free to share this post around out there on the Internet if you get the chance. Enjoy the rest of your Thursday! Sexy Guys In Underwear - With Pouty Face 1 Sexy Guys In Underwear - With Pouty Face 2 Sexy Guys In Underwear - With Pouty Face 3 Sexy Guys In Underwear - With Pouty Face 4 Sexy Guys In Underwear - With Pouty Face 5 Sexy Guys In Underwear - With Pouty Face 6 Sexy Guys In Underwear - With Pouty Face 7

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