More Of Caio Cesar!

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Way back in summer last year I posted some pics of the gorgeous Caio Cesar in underwear, and I was in love with the hot guy then. He has everything going for him, absolutely everything I love in a dude. He's so incredibly handsome, and he has the kind of ripped and tight body that could make the most gym-toned hunk completely jealous. Hell, he makes me jealous, and horny, and depressed too (because I don't know him lol)

So when I saw these pics from another shoot I had to get another post on here about the guy.

Of course I need to tell you that the photographer is Alessandro Brito, and a very talented photographer too. I especially love these first couple of images with Caio Cesar posing naked in some pretty traditional images. They remind me of some of those images from the birth of photography, like they were taken by the very first gay man in the wild west! lol

It's a pretty interesting collection of images too, covering everything from classic nude to modern fashion photography too.

Let me know if you find anything more out there with this gorgeous young man. I have a few more pics I might have to add to a "general" post about this guy in the future, but I always need more! lol

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12 years ago

What a stunner! thanks for posting…

12 years ago

“fierce eyes”…handsome

12 years ago

just find one more on google 🙂

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