Sexy Spanish Muscle Man Ramiro Lozano

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We've seen this sexy Spanish muscle man three times before here on the blog. It's been quite a while since the last time, though.

Ramiro Lozano is a handsome guy with a powerful body, but it looks like he's been working on it a lot more in recent times.

I definitely can't even try to estimate the weight of a dude from a pic but I'm guessing he's become a lot more of a bodybuilder.

DV Photography is responsible for these pics.

They're dressed him up in just a pair of very gay looking briefs and stuck him out in the sun.

I can't be the only one who has the urge to slather him in sunblock, right?

He actually looks like he might need it. I'm wondering whether that's the coloring the camera has given him or whether he's been out there in the sun a little too long lol

While we haven't seen this big and sexy Spanish muscle dude naked yet I think we might be heading toward that.

We're getting some butt this time.

He does seem to be getting sexier, and he doesn't seem to be very shy.

I'm looking forward to the prospect of enjoying him in all his magnificent glory!

Enjoy these pics and drop a comment below if you want to see more of him. Hit the thumbs-up button before you go.

Have a lovely Friday!

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1 month ago

quando calienta el sole

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