Time For Some Dusty Lachowicz Bulge Pics!

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Sure, we'd all love to see him naked but some Dusty Lachowicz bulge pics will brighten anyone's day!

It's been almost two full years since we last saw him.

I know I say this a lot, but where the hell has he been?

It's probably my own fault. He is on my list of men to regularly check out but that list has grown SO long.

So, I don't know who took these photos of the gorgeous hunk but we thank them all the same.

It's been ten years since we first saw him.

Back then he was preparing to become a firefighter and a paramedic. I don't know if he moved on from those aspirations or whether modeling is more his part-time gig, but can you imagine him in a firefighter's outfit?

Why is it that so many gorgeous men go into that line of work?

Whatever he's focusing on now I hope we do get to see more of him in future shoots. I know I'm also not the only one who would love to see a nude shoot with him.

Maybe we'll get that one day, but I'm okay with these Dusty Lachowicz bulge shots for now :)

Enjoy, leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post!

Have a great Sunday and enjoy the rest of your weekend. See you back here tomorrow.

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1 day ago

so nice

1 day ago

Dust never looked so hot.

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