Naked Muscle – Carefully Shot

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I love the shoots they share at DNA, and this collection of simple but erotic shots of the musclebound Chase Hostler by Joseph Smileuske are a great example of how you can be incredibly sexy without showing everything off.

I wanted to share this collection especially because I think it shows how good photography can be when it comes to the male form, and how we become a little jaded by all the porn out there. Do you know what I mean?

When you first look at these pics a lot of guys will probably be expecting to see some cock at some point. It's almost unspoken these days that a collection of images like this are leading up to something. But the point is that they don't have to, photography can be incredibly sexy either because of what you don't see, or because of the way the subject is presented.

I'm the first to admit that I'm guilty of the assumptions myself. Sometimes when I see a shoot like this and I'm horny, I'm almost disappointed that there is no "big reveal". But for some reason, with this collection of shots of Chase Hostler, I'm good with not seeing it all.

The guy is sexy as hell without going the "Full Monty" in this shoot. It's just about his physique, and the style of the images. I like them, a lot ;)

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12 years ago

Chase is waay too HOT not to show his Full Monty…its about time to.

Jay Pedro
Jay Pedro
11 years ago

beautiful – thanks!

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