Sporty And Gorgeous Italian Jock Model Giove Taioli

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We haven't seen this gorgeous Italian jock since November last year. I think it's about time we saw more of him here at Gay Body Blog!

His name is Giove Taioli. You'll be glad to know he's still out there doing his thing.

While our experience of him so far has been limited I'm gonna go looking for more shoots featuring the sexy young man.

I have to admit the sporty rowing shots here grabbed my interest first of all.

What is it about rowers?

I guess we all have our own sporty interests when it comes to the guys who participate. Most of you will appreciate wrestlers, right? Rugby players is another big one for me. And of course there are some hot soccer players out there.

Rowers are among the hottest and I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's because it's generally a collegiate sport here in the UK? And, of course, so many of the guys who are in the sport happen to look like male models lol

This guy really fits that image well. Whoever took those pics knew what they were doing when they suggested that theme :)

Enjoy this gorgeous Italian jock again. Leave a comment if you understand what I mean about rowers lol

Have a great Friday! See you back here tomorrow for more hotness.

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6 months ago

Why rowers? Bulging biceps, rock hard abs, and tree trunk size thighs. Giove? Check, check and check.

6 months ago

j’aurais préféré le voir sous le Pont des Soupirs ou comme un gondolier , mais la pyramide avec les beaux mecs fessus sauve et de loin la mise

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