Is Pietro Boselli The Sexiest Man Alive?

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If you conducted a survey and asked a hundred people who the sexiest man alive is, you'd probably get numerous different answers. A dozen of them would be Ryan Reynolds, but you get what I mean.

If you limited the scope to male models, I think Pietro Boselli would probably be mentioned a lot by those in the know.

We've enjoyed this handsome man here at Gay Body Blog so many times, but it's never enough to satisfy.

Then again, would it be possible to get enough of this gorgeous man to satisfy our needs?

We're certainly not getting enough of him in 2024, so far at least.

Maybe it's just my perception, but it seems he's slipped off the radar in recent years. It used to be that I could find a new shoot with him almost every week. These days I'm lucky to find one new pic a month.

It seems that from his Instagram he's been focusing on his workouts and apparently he has an app. I guess that kind of entrepreneurial spirit requires a lot of work and attention.

I can tell you I'm looking very hard at these photos, though!

Aside from being extremely handsome, that body is just incredible. We all know he works hard to maintain it, and we all appreciate his efforts immensely.

So, enjoy him again, and let me know in the comments if you think he's the sexiest man alive. If not, who is? Maybe we can check them out in a future post?

Have a great Thursday :)

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8 months ago


Jj abely
Jj abely
8 months ago

Gorgeous. Also a far right homophobe.

8 months ago

si on demandait l’avis du coquillage ?

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