Is Pietro Boselli The Sexiest Man Alive?
Yes, we have a little more of ridiculously gorgeous Pietro Boselli here at Gay Body Blog. It’s been too long since we last ogled that incredible physique!
Male model Pietro Boselli is undoubtedly one of the most popular handsome hunks we have ever featured at Gay Body Blog. He became a hit with our readers from the first time we saw him in 2015. Ever since then the gorgeous man has treated us to some incredible shoots by some of the best photographers. Not only is he gorgeous, with an amazing body and a sexy attitude, he’s smart. He was discovered teaching a class at University College London. A student tweeted about how stunning he was and before long he was going viral without realizing it. Weeks later he was signed to a major modeling agency and already getting plenty of work. You can see why. Enjoy our posts featuring gorgeous male model Pietro Boselli below. Expect plenty more of him in the future!
Yes, we have a little more of ridiculously gorgeous Pietro Boselli here at Gay Body Blog. It’s been too long since we last ogled that incredible physique!
I’m fully aware that this question might start arguments in the comments, but when a friend suggested that Pietro Boselli is the hottest male model in the world right now I needed to put this to you guys with some sexy pics.
Gorgeous hunk Pietro Boselli is back on the blog after more than a year of absence. We don’t know what he’s doing now but I think I speak for everyone when I say we need more sexy shoots with this handsome hunk showing off that immense body.
We haven’t had a post of pics featuring the insanely gorgeous Pietro Boselli since March and I think we can all agree that this is far too long to go without. He’s been here on the blog plenty of times in the past, ever since he was “discovered” being a teacher in London by a student who thought he looked...
Well, you already knew this was coming. It’s a good way to end the week. Can you imagine a hotter hunk to enjoy on a Friday? If you say yes and offer any names I’m going to ignore you because right now Pietro Boselli is the only man I can think about lol We’ve already had thousands of words about...
Happy Thursday guys! I have something very special for you today and I know you’re going to like it. You’d better hit that thumbs-up button and leave a comment on this one 🙂 Of course we all love Pietro Boselli. He’s the gorgeous male model who was ‘discovered’ when a student of a class he was teaching took a photo...
We have a lot of models we like to see her at Gay Body Blog, guys who I know will get the clicks and have a lot of you ogling them appreciatively. I think Pietro Boselli has to be one of the most popular we have ever witnessed, and it’s easy to see why. We’ve been admiring and enjoying this...
Am I the only one who quickly got bored of reading about celebrities’ workout routines while they’re at home during these weird times? I mean I get that a lot of people are probably staying in shape any way they can but I refuse to believe that the majority of people aren’t sitting around on the couch eating cheesy snacks...
I guess we all knew it was coming. Photographers who had a good shoot to deliver before the world went mental are now rebranding their shoots to release them as relevant to our current predicament, and while it might not make sense in every scenario I’m not complaining when those shoots feature men like Pietro Boselli. It should go without...
This is a very apt collection of photos of absolutely gorgeous Pietro Boselli, and I’m certain I’m not the only one looking at these photos and imagining how much more fun it would be to be isolating at home with this guy. If you don’t know who Pietro is, where have you been? We’ve seen him a few times on...
You already know that when I see a photo shoot with handsome hunk Pietro Boselli it’s going to be posted on the Gay Body Blog. Honestly, I don’t think there’s a series of images this guy would appear in that I would ever decide not to share. Unless he’s wearing too many clothes! He’s undeniably one of the hottest men...
We might not have seen Pietro Boselli naked and revealing all yet, but these sexy wet underwear photos are the closest thing we have and they’re pretty revealing! Come and take a look, leave a comment and share the post around.
He’s one of the most handsome men on the planet, with a gorgeous face, and incredible body, and the most tempting underwear bulge I think I’ve seen this month. I’m talking about the awesome Pietro Boselli, of course! Come and check him out.
I almost didn’t share this shoot, because originally I could only find a couple of pics of gorgeous hunk Pietro Boselli showing off his amazing body and I didn’t think it would be enough to justify a post. Then I went looking for more… You probably know about Pietro Boselli already, and if not then I have to ask what...
We definitely need more of Pietro Boselli on the Gay Body Blog. It’s been a little while since we last saw him and I’m not entirely sure why. He should be one of the busiest male models in the world right now, but I guess we just don’t find out about a lot of the shoots he’s probably appearing in...
Imagine, if you will, waking up beside Pietro Boselli. Go on, take a minute to really think about it. Bathe in the fantasy for a few moments as you wonder what might actually be like. It’s been too long since we last enjoyed this handsome and buff hunk on the Gay Body Blog, and there doesn’t seem to have been...
My nude send process