Enjoy The Big Underwear Dick Bulge Of Antonio Martínez

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Sometimes you don't need to see a dude naked to know what he's packing, and that's definitely true of Antonio Martínez and his big underwear dick bulge.

This is only our second time checking him out, and I don't really know why.

The last time we saw this handsome stud was way back in 2021. He was showing off in some very tight gear back then, too.

You know how it is with some guys who have more than most, they seem to love teasing with it.

He's definitely one of those guys who knows what he's packing and he likes to make the most of it!

We're not complaining about that either :)

I think these pics are by various photographers, but we appreciate their work. The style of undies chosen are definitely intended to display him fully, and they do a good job of that.

Will we see him naked? I would be surprised if he hasn't posed nude and revealed all at least once. Maybe I just need to dig a little deeper to find it.

In the meantime, enjoy him and his big underwear dick bulge. Leave a comment below if you love seeing guys posing in a god pouch. Hit the thumbs-up button too!

Have a lovely Saturday and I'll be back tomorrow for more hotness :)

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3 months ago

en slip rouge; il doit faire des ravages