Sexy Brazilian Man Lucas Montilla Would Get It

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I think we're in a bit of a theme right now because it seems like every couple of days I'm finding yet another sexy Brazilian man to share with you all.

I don't think anyone is really complaining about that.

How could we complain about enjoying a handsome man like Lucas Montilla?

And yes, I'm still constantly surprised that every day I'm seeing new gorgeous men who we've never seen on the blog before. I don't know where these guys are hiding, but while I can't claim to be some kind of all-seeing eye on the Internet so many of these men should have passed my eyes at least a few times.

Wherever he's been hiding I'm glad to finally be able to share him with you.

He's a male mode and he works out (duh), but thankfully he's not a personal trainer (yay!)

I don't know why I've established this narrative for myself, I don't dislike personal trainers at all. I guess I just find it boring when 9/10 models I see also happen to live at the gym lol

This handsome man is a nutritionist, though. In my experience guys who are in that line of work have worked as a personal trainer.

Whatever, I'm distracting myself when we should be enjoying his handsome face, hot body and sexy butt.

I don't know who is responsible for these pics but I love their teasing style and it makes me wonder if there's a nude shoot out there somewhere. Yes, I'm gonna go looking, so stick around and we might get more of this lovely man :)

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post! Have a fantastic Friday and I'll see you back here tomorrow for some weekend hotness.

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