We All Want To See More Of Dusty Lachowicz, And Preferably Naked Please

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I do like it when we all seem to agree on the hotness of a male model, and it seems we all pretty much agree that Dusty Lachowicz is one of the sexiest men we've seen here at Gay Body Blog.

I think we probably also all agree that there isn't enough of him and we all want to see plenty more.

Do I dare to suggest that we would all love to see him posing completely naked and proud, too?

Of course we would. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to admire this beautiful man in all his magnificent glory?

We know from previous teasing images of this gorgeous hunk that he probably has a lot to display, too. I recall a few underwear shots that were less than subtle when it came to revealing the package.

It's not enough, though.

We need to see this awesome man posing for the likes of Rick Day, in one of those sporty bedroom shoots.

You can completely imagine this Wisconsin jock fitting right in with that kind of theme, too.

I don't know much about his history but I can picture him as a college frat boy, maybe on the track team, or wrestling.

Oh man, can you imagine him in a wrestling singlet? I don't think my blood pressure can take it lol

Enjoy him again, leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button if you want me to find more of him.

I'll gladly clear my schedule for a day and just spend it looking for every photo of him I can find lol

Have a great Friday!

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2 years ago

Shredded midsection gives off a nearly emaciated look, but his thighs are surprisingly beefy and nicely arousing. A handsome face, but he needs to eat hoagies, French fries and chocolate eclairs for a month or so.

2 years ago

petit à petit l’oiseau sortira du nid

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