We All Wanted To See More Of Canadian Muscle Man Wyatt Dorion

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Happy Friday guys!

I'm so glad this week is over, it's been a tough one for me, so much work to do and not enough time to do it.

I'm going to make the most of this weekend off and spend at least some time at the pub.

Don't tell my friends but I would prefer to spend it with Wyatt Dorion, though.

Yes, we're getting a second delicious helping of this impressive Canadian hunk and I don't think any of you are going to complain about it.

We've seen him a few times here at Gay Body Blog and while we're still waiting for that elusive nude shoot where he reveals everything I don't think it's implausible that he will.

He's definitely a tease and he knows what he's got. He's been in some very seductive shoots before and photographers understand that he looks awesome in underwear, and without a stitch on him, too lol

This is the rest of the shoot by photographer Carlos Del Solar, he's done a great job of showing off Wyatt's affinity for physique competitions. I love the classic AMG poses.

Enjoy him again, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up, share the post. Most of all have a lovely Friday and I'll see you all back here tomorrow :)

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2 years ago

Where is your penis

2 years ago

very nice as Johnny Weissmuller, Steve Reeves , Lex Barker and others in the 50 60 th

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