You Know What To Expect With A Guy Called Thor Igoryok

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When I was younger I was told that names mean a lot when they're on paper, and at first I didn't get it. I definitely did when I met a guy in college called Chad.

We definitely form a first impression just from a name. I don't want to lay much more groundwork here because I don't want to potentially offend anyone, but I'll just say that if your name is Thor Igoryok there are going to be expectations!

This handsome hunk definitely matches those expectations.

I'm actually really surprised we haven't seen him here before, but I'm often surprised by the men who arrive in my emails.

I don't know much about the guy, unfortunately. I can tell you that he's not just a male model, he's also a photographer and a musician.

You were expecting me to say he's a personal trainer, right?

He probably does that on the side too, let's be honest. This is the kind of huge hunk who probably wouldn't mind showing other guys how to get big and buff.

I can't say I ever really had much motivation to want to try that kind of muscle building, but if I had a friend like him willing to come to the gym with me I would reconsider my position lol

Enjoy him in these photos by Igor Kireev, leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button, share the post.

Have a lovely Friday!

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2 years ago

The new Brad Pitt? In my opinion the muscles are a bit overdone.

2 years ago

I’m hoping his butt is not as perfect as the rest of him, or that maybe his cock is only average length – because everything we see is SOO perfect that there’s just gotta be a flaw somewhere. Even his face is unbearably cute. His trainer should insist he MAINTAIN this look and not gain one more ounce of muscle – it would only bring him into the full blown bodybuilder area, and his erotic appeal would shrink. But, my Goodness! — where did you get this beauty?

13 days ago

These men are so sexy I’m really attract ive love to see their butt and cock

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