It’s Time For Some Vintage Hunks, Naked Of Course

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I think it's about that time again, time to check out some gorgeous and horny men from yesteryear taking their clothes off and displaying their fine physiques for us all to drool over.

Every time I see shoots from back in the day, from the 50s onward, I can't help but wonder what they might think about how their images can be enjoyed today.

It's hard to contemplate it but back when these photos were originally taken the audience was probably no bigger than a few thousand people across the US. They were discreetly packaged into secretly printed publications and shipped to equally secretive customers, probably to be enjoyed for just a few weeks or months.

None of the men in these photos could have ever imagined that one day their photos would be seen by potentially millions of people around the world.

I suppose it's a good thing that so many of them remain unidentified. Back in the day most of these guys were living a double life, shooting for photographers like this and likely enjoying a secret life outside of their very normal marriage.

Maybe that's why I like vintage photos like these so much? There's such a big untold story behind every one of them and it would be fascinating to be able to go back in time and see this all playing out.

Enjoy, and let me know in the comments what you think.

Have a lovely Saturday!

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3 years ago

I love dangling low hangers…

1 year ago

Pound my tight little ass forever baaby!!

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