Aquatic Fun With Alex García Lobo

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Happy Monday! I hope you had a nice weekend. It probably wasn't what you'd normally be doing and I guess a lot of us are still sticking to different rules and things but I trust you at least managed to relax a little and do something good.

I'm back at my desk today and looking forward to getting plenty done this week, but I need to start it all off with something hot, and I think this new shoot with Alex García Lobo is gonna do that.

I got these via email today but the moment I saw them I knew we'd enjoyed this handsome man before and in a very similar way. I did a little checking and discovered this post from way back in May 2018, also by photographer Joan Crisol.

I guess this is an ongoing theme? I like it. I can't say that I'm much of a swimmer but I do enjoy a dip now and then and if handsome Alex was with me I would be more than happy to splash about for a while :)

He really is damn sexy, with a great body, and handsome too. We haven't seen any other shoots with him but I think I might spend some time this week looking for more. Surely there must be a lot more of this guy out there?!

Enjoy him. Let me know in the comments if you're a swimmer and you're looking forward to getting back to a pool.

Have a lovely Monday!

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