More Classic Naked Men From Yesteryear

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You guys all know I love going back through real old galleries of classic hunks showing off their goodies for the world, and it certainly seems to me that you guys enjoy seeing these posts too. What better distraction can we have for a Saturday than a good helping of handsome men from years passed getting their dicks out for us to enjoy and ogle?

I know, you'd all rather be thinking about heading out to the bars and clubs and looking for some action tonight, but this will have to do, okay? :)

I don't know who any of these men are, of course. I can only guess that they've been lifted from the pages of several classic magazines from the 60s, 70s and maybe the 80s.

There's definitely something nostalgic about those days, isn't there? I know many of you are probably too young to remember porn magazines, but those of us who do remember tend to look back at it with appreciation. There was something special about finding a magazine, hiding it, perhaps sharing it with a friend when you could :)

We might have seen one or two of these photos before, in previous posts, so forgive me for sharing them again. It's real hard to keep track of which guys we've seen before but I don't think you're complaining if we see some of them again.

Have a great Saturday, watch something good maybe call a friend or family member and say hi :)

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4 years ago

Who is that gorgeous man in the number 10 vest?

4 years ago

Who is that siting on yamaha? I can feel a lot

Jorg Stankar
3 years ago

Josh – It’s young Eric Manchester

Big Dude
Big Dude
3 years ago

There is nothing handsomer or more exciting than a male showing his penis and scrotum. It does not matter if he is in rut, hanging soft, ejaculating, having intercourse with another male…we are a wonderously handsome and exciting gender.

D Cheung
D Cheung
2 years ago

I find them more attractive than the modern ones. Models are very masculine.

7 months ago

The dude standing in front of the tires is amazing – in every way.

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