Gorgeous Adrien France Has Changed So Much!
It's been more than four years since we last saw handsome and fit young man Adrien France on the Gay Body Blog, but while I was planning to follow him in his progression we haven't seen anything from him since. I'm sure there's plenty I've missed in those years and after discovering him again this morning in this awesome shoot by Daniel Jaems you can be certain I'm gonna be out there looking for more.
I actually have some more pics of this guy to share with you tomorrow, too. There was too much for just one post so I'm splitting it. I don't think you'll mind that, right? You'll definitely be back tomorrow for the rest :)
He's changed quite a bit in those four years. He's more handsome, more buff, and more sensual, although I guess that last change is probably more to do with the photographer. Then again, how could you look like this guy and not be sensual in basically everything you do?
As always, I love a good underwear bulge, and the tight little undies he's wearing in some of these photos really don't leave a whole lot to the imagination.
And would you just look at that smirk in the second pic! That does rude things to me that I can't explain.
Has he been in any nude shoots in the past few years? I'm gonna be out there looking for those, so if he has you'll see those pics!
Enjoy him, leave a comment and let me know your thoughts (I know some of them are dirty lol)
Have a great Thursday and I'll see you back here tomorrow.