Powerful Hunk Valera Spark Is Looking Awesome

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There are muscled and hunky men, and then there are rugged and compact barbarians who look like they could throw me through a wall... Valera Spark looks like the latter!

I love all types of guys, and I especially love muscled men with the right balance of tone and definition, but this guy is so insanely built and looks so powerful I think I would be scared to get naked with him lol

One of my friends sent me these pics of the handsome daddy hunk this morning and I knew immediately that a lot of you guys would love to see him. Sure, some of you prefer the smooth and toned jock types, but I know a lot more of you are gonna be commenting on this hunk and wanting more of him.

Alexander Shango is the photographer snapping these images of the big guy showing off his awesome body and teasing us with some very sexy angles. Is there more of him out there showing it all off? It wouldn't surprise me, but after looking around a little I found it hard to find anything else about the guy.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments, hit that thumbs-up button too, and share this post around for your friends and followers to enjoy.

Have a great Wednesday!

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5 years ago

Meant to give a firm thumbs down but inadvertently hit up.

W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

And to those out there who say 40 is over the hill, all you are full of SHIT. This guy’s gorgeous and goes to prove taking care of yourself pays dividends. Either you’re over 40, haven’t taken care of yourself and are jealous of this handsome guy and are being jealous and catty

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