Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio

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Now, I don't believe that every one of these images has been "shopped" to give him such perfect skin. It's extremely unlikely that all of the pics of him would have been airbrushed. Which can only mean that his chest and abs, and that handsome face, are really as smooth and pink as they appear! I don't think I have ever seen a guy with such blemish-free skin, so smooth and silky. I'd love to know what he does to keep himself in that kind of condition, and I think whatever his secret is he should bottle it and make a few million. lol

Joseph Odorisio is only 21 years of age. Yeah, can you believe that? He does look older doesn't he? I don't care about age to be honest, because a guy can look just as hot in his 50's as a guy in his late teens in my opinion. But because it's some of the only info about him out there I feel obliged to share it.

I love the guys smile, and the shape of his body. There's some real power in those arms and shoulders, and I have to admit that while I love the pics, I'd really love to see him moving.

He's another of those models who loves to tease the camera, as you can tell. So who knows, perhaps he'll break out into adult work at some point, or maybe he's done it already under a different name? But I'm sure if he has one of you guys would tell me... you would tell me, right? TELL ME! lol

Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (1) Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (2) Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (3) Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (4) Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (5) Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (6) Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (7) Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (8) Hot Muscle Model Joseph Odorisio (9)


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13 years ago

I really like him ,in that, he’s very versatile in his “looks” for a photoshoot ! Even though he’s not the body typt iI would pick, he’s smokin’ HOT!!! 😛


13 years ago

Stand up, turn around, hold 30seconds

13 years ago

this is one fantastic model, a muscled beauty with a seductive gentle look.

12 years ago

this guy is gorgeous, the best in a long time.

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