Tomas Skoloudik Naked – Showing Off His Long Uncut Cock!

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We've seen gorgeous Tomas Skoloudik a few times on the Gay Body Blog and he always gets a lot of attention. We all know why that would be, he's a handsome and ripped male model who isn't shy about showing everything off for the right photographer. The right photographer in this case is the very lucky Leonardo Corredor, who's giving us some incredibly erotic photos of the guy enjoying a shower and lounging around a city apartment. If you're not imagining what it would be like to wake up and spend the day with this gorgeous man then you're doing it all wrong. Obviously, we love him because he's so damn good looking, and he has an amazing body too, but we have to talk about that cock. There are porn shots of the guy from when he was much younger than he is now. He was all about showing off his hard uncut dick back in the day. These days it's more artistic and sensual, but we appreciate him either way. Honestly, he's great from top to toe, but that dick is one of the liveliest lengths of manhood on any male model who's been willing to show it off. Enjoy the sight of Tomas Skoloudik naked, leave a comment and hit that thumbs up button. Share the post around for your friends and followers to enjoy too! Have a fantastic Sunday :)

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6 years ago

Nice-looking, and a shave could add to the cuteness…..

6 years ago

I prefer his stubble. Didn’t really like him manscapping his pubic area…

6 years ago

Kind of a funny stunt that a guy who looks likes “that” would ever have a need / desire to grab a porn video. Overused for most, the phrase, “beating them off with a stick” definitely applies to TS.

6 years ago

I need This Cock
He has a good body and he can do well with a sex worker.

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