Hairy Pecs And Awesome Abs With David Ortega

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How the hell have we managed to survive for this long without David Ortega on the Gay Body Blog? I don't know, but I'm changing that today with this post and I expect to see some of you lovely boys commenting down below and showing this handsome man some love. I tried to do a little research on him today and it turns out there are a lot of men out there called David Ortega. There's a Swimmer, a model & actor (not this guy) and a few hundred other dudes. So, you'll have to forgive me for not being able to dig through all of that to find out more about this handsome guy. So, I guess I should point out some of the obvious things, the reasons why I think this guy is so hot. First of all, you guys know I'm a sucker for a slightly hairy chest. When that comes with a little stubble or a beard it's even sexier. Then we have those amazing abs, the kind of abs that make me feel more than a little ridiculous about my own workout efforts :) Finally, he has a pretty sexy bulge, and some interesting tan lines that suggest he wears tiny little things like that at the beach pretty often. Damn, can you imagine being at the beach and having this guy around to distract you!? Enjoy his sexy pics by photographer Afif Kattan (Ooh! another new name to check out!) and leave a comment to show some love. Have a glorious Friday.

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