Enjoying Some Jock Bulge With Anthony Avila

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I do think this is the first time we've seen Anthony Avila on the Gay Body Blog, but after this sexy shoot by Kiet Thai I'm hoping we get to see more of this fit and handsome tease in the future.

Lilium magazine commissioned this collection of images featuring gear from brands including Naked & Famous, Frye, Goorin Brothers, Halloween Adventure NYC and Activeman, but I have a feeling most of you sill be too distracted by his gorgeousness to care too much about what he's wearing.

Lets focus on that underwear for a moment - I love undies, as you know - they don't look all that comfortable, do they? Maybe I'm wrong, but I can kind of understand why he would be shielding himself from what appears to be a pretty coarse material! lol

I can also understand why he took them off, but I don't think I'm the only one who wishes he wasn't so shy after the fact :)

He's a very sexy dude with a great body, I think we all want to see more of him after this too, right guys?

Let me know your opinions below, give him a thumbs-up and why not share the post around a little too? I'm sure your followers and friends will appreciate him.

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9 years ago

Holy merde !! He can pass for Matt Boomer’s bro

I’m just so happy to see jockstraps back in photographs


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