James Norley Is A Hottie

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If you have a sneaker fetish then some of you will appreciate this post on a whole other level. Don't worry though, the rest of us will enjoy it too, because James Norley is a gorgeous guy we can all appreciate.

I think I've decided that there's a never ending parade of gorgeous new guys arriving in the male modeling business. I see new guys pretty much every day, and when I check to see if they've been mentioned on the blog nothing comes up. Back when I started writing about gorgeous men on the blog I just assumed that one day I would struggle to find a sexy new guy to share with you all - it's not happened in nearly five years! lol

Photographer Milan Vukmirovic is the one sharing this gorgeous and fit young man, lounging around on a bed and showing off his body for us, in a sneaker-themed shoot.

I know I'm not the only one who would love to be on that bed with him, but we wouldn't be taking pictures - we'd all be far too busy with other more important things :)

Let me know in the comment what you guys think of the lovely James Norley, do we want to see more of this guy on the Gay Body Blog?

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