Men Wearing Esculpta C-Rings

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I have a couple of extremely interesting posts for you today, and as I wanted to start off with some nudity I think I found something that will really get your attention and have you wanting more.

I have only just found out about the Esculpta brand, who specialize in erotic and interesting male jewelry, but I wanted to share some of the recent pics I found with you guys and see what you think.

I have to admit that I am intrigued, and the fact that they show off their wares with some very erotic photography is also a bonus. I went out looking for a little more after seeing their professional shots (the first few are theirs), but I threw some others in that are as yet unattributed to the brand. I think there are some appreciative guys out there taking their own photos and sharing them with those who want to see - and we want to see!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants more shoots by them of handsome and hunky men wearing their gear, but this post will have to do for now ;)

This is going to be a company worth watching, and I have to confess that I am tempted to make a purchase. No, I'm not advertising for them, I just really like what they make!

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10 years ago

Just more photos of the first model would have sufficed. I don’t even care about seeing his junk. Just what’s “above the waistline, Sunshine” would have been enough.

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