Getting Buff With Eddie Razaz

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Swedish hottie Eddie Razaz (that totally sounds like a stage name doesn't it?) is new to me - I guess that's going to be obvious considering he's Swedish and I don't tend to follow the pop-culture of my own nation, never mind that of another lol

But I was definitely interested in finding out more about this handsome and slightly hairy buff young man when I saw some pics of him!

As I understand it, this gorgeous young guy started out on Swedish Idol in 2009 (yes, it's all over the world, like an infestation of overblown Karaoke singers! lol) and has since gone on to do a lot more as a solo artist and a male model too.

With looks like this, I'm certainly not surprised he's getting that face and his hot bod in front of some cameras.

Perhaps the best thing about him is that in 2010 he made a public outing in Swedish QX magazine. Yes boys, this gorgeous young man is totally into other gorgeous young men!

Kind of makes you want to go and visit Sweden now, right? Believe me, there are a lot of handsome and sexy young men there, I've met a few and they are always so good looking you have to wonder what they put in the water ;)

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11 years ago

I want