ESPN Body Issue 2012 – The Men

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Okay guys, so I know we've had a naked post already, but when I saw this collection of images from the ESPN Body Issue 2012 I knew these guys had to be on the blog. This is the first time I've seen what they do when it comes to showing it all off, and I have to say that the images are impressive. The guys are so hot, and to think these are all professional sportsmen (they have women too!) willing to get their kit off to show everything with some style, it's just really hot!

I like the whole idea of it, because it shows what a real athletes body looks like. I think a lot of people think that to be a professional athlete you have to be gym-toned and perfect in every way, and although all of the men here in this post are totally gorgeous, they don't all actually look like the guys you'd see parading their muscled bods around the gym locker room. They look like the guys you'd see in the showers at the local footie match before you head down the pub for post game celebrations ;)

They're normal guys, but hot and sporty, and they're naked too!

Makes me want to join the local football team lol

First up we have Carlos Cocanegra - who is simply gorgeous from head to toe, even when he is covered in mud. Then we have Danell Leyva - one reason to watch mens gymnastics, I just wish it was always nude. Finally we have the dark and handsome hunk Tyson Chandler. Enjoy the pics, and perhaps consider being more sporty too, I definitely am after seeing these! lol

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12 years ago

Sporty sexy muscled guys! thanks!

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