Dan Murphy By Tony Duran – Underwear, Fashion And Nude!

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I was absolutely certain we'd had some pics of the handsome Dan Murphy on the blog before, but after having a quick search, it seems we haven't!

Well, after finding these sexy shots I had to get them on here, and I would like to point out one thing in particular - Y-fronts CAN be sexy!

Okay, they might not technically be Y-fronts, but they are damn close, and it just goes to show that its not about the underwear or style of them, it's all about the guy wearing them and how well he fills them out! lol

So, this collection of images is by famous photographer Tony Duran, someone I have happily shared on the blog plenty of times in recent months. I love the portrait photography he produces, and the nudes are always sexy too. But for me this shoot has to be all about the bulge.

Dan Murphy really knows how to tease, as you can see. He's not one of those male models too worried about being "exposed" a little either. It goes without saying that he has a really handsome face, and a really hot and naturally built body too. He's not a muscled guy, but he has everything where it should be - again, check out the package! lol

Dan Murphy By Tony Duran - Underwear, Fashion And Nude! (1)

Dan Murphy By Tony Duran - Underwear, Fashion And Nude! (2)

Dan Murphy By Tony Duran - Underwear, Fashion And Nude! (3)

Dan Murphy By Tony Duran - Underwear, Fashion And Nude! (4)

Dan Murphy By Tony Duran - Underwear, Fashion And Nude! (5)

Dan Murphy By Tony Duran - Underwear, Fashion And Nude! (6)

Dan Murphy By Tony Duran - Underwear, Fashion And Nude! (7)

Dan Murphy By Tony Duran - Underwear, Fashion And Nude! (8)

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12 years ago

Damn he is handsome, nice bod too! MORE please…