Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy!

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Crossing gender lines is always interesting in photography, and seeing this collection of pics of a Canadian model only known as "Andy" is both sexy and a little strange at the same time. Needless to say they're expertly photographed.

I think there are probably gonna be all kinds of opinions about whether these pics are sexy or not. And I actually wonder if it goes along gender lines too. For instance, would straight women find this sexy, more so than gay men? How about bisexual men?

As a gay man, I find the guy really sexy, and I find what he's wearing creative but almost completely irrelevant. It's strange how I can see the shots as being sexy simply because the model is, while appreciating other aspects of it for different creative reasons.

I know, this is all far too deep and analytical for a Sunday afternoon. Can you tell I didn't get blotto last night? I don't think I'd be able to think like this about some pics if I had. lol

Anyway, check out the pics, enjoy the sexy Canadian guy, and if you like the cross-dressing aspects then enjoy that too. I like the shots, and the guy, and I like Bell Soto too! ;)

Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy! (1) Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy! (2) Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy! (3) Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy! (4) Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy! (5) Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy! (6) Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy! (7) Cross-Dressing With A Hot Canadian Guy! (8)

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12 years ago

Don`t particularly care for the nylons but the guy is hot! 🙂

12 years ago

LOVE this! It’s so nice to see beautiful men expressing some forms of femininity. Reminds me of some photos I saw a while back where a bunch of blonde guys were dressed up like Madonna from the 80s!

12 years ago

It is nice. and pleasing to the eye and i am not gay. when Girls when what is essential men’s dress and not thought as odd a man dressing up in feminine dress should also has to be accepted. With the range of fabrics, colours, textures, and the verities available in fem clothes compared to men’s, it is now onder we feel atracted towards. also it is a way of expressing our feminine self too