Love Or Hate? Cristiano Ronaldo

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Okay, I have avoided this post for a while, mainly because I know that Cristiano Ronaldo is a real Marmite guy. You know what I mean? Do you have Marmite where you are? I guess you might have Vegemite, and I think it's the same thing.

What I mean is, you either love or hate, there's no real middle ground.

With Cristiano Ronaldo I think it's the same. There is no denying that the guy is pretty handsome, and he does have a really hot muscled body. But at the same time he comes across as really arrogant and severely self-involved.

I've been running a little bit of a survey amongst my gay pals to find out whether I should post some pics of the guy here or not, and most seem to agree that while they think he's a complete ****, he is sexy to look at.

So, not being a big fan of football, and not really caring what the guys personality is like (I don't mean that in a shallow way, I just have zero interest in the game) this post is all about appreciating the guys body and little else.

You have to admit, love him or hate him, Cristiano Ronaldo is hot to look at!

Love Or Hate? Cristiano Ronaldo Love Or Hate? Cristiano Ronaldo Love Or Hate? Cristiano Ronaldo Love Or Hate? Cristiano Ronaldo Love Or Hate? Cristiano Ronaldo Love Or Hate? Cristiano Ronaldo Love Or Hate? Cristiano Ronaldo

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12 years ago

He is an amazingly handsome hot guy!

12 years ago

I’m just here to look at the pretty. In fact, objectifying assholes robs them of some of their power. That’s the only reason I like looking at pics of Tebow, for instance. 🙂

12 years ago

Yeah, But he’s Pure Sex and I guess, That’s what makes him an A-hole… He’s a Panther sultry, bad boy, But, I have a Feeling he’s a pussy cat… It’s all Hype, Soccer players are Idols around the world and he’s just playing the part… He sure is pretty and maybe why he hides behind the A-hole image so, he’s taken seriously on the field…

12 years ago

The arrogance goes with the job…but OMG he is hot! By far the hottest footballer of the time!

12 years ago

i love cirstiano.

12 years ago

At least he is not afraid to be affectionate with his male teammates and seems to not feel he needs to conform to typical jock stigmas. In fact one could argue that he is more like gay guys than straight guys, including the vanity and self indulgence. It would be hypocrital for some people to hate on him for things they are just as guilty of.

Anyway I really appreciate how affectionate he is with his teammates: hugs, piggy back rides, long embraces, kisses on the cheek, etc. He isn’t afraid if people think he looks gay.

12 years ago

Comment is, i like your movie,and many time when i watch you playing football,i always say in my mind you a nice guy,yes you nice and beautiful,i like you

12 years ago

Nothing wong with this,iove this,because i’m gay

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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