Jan Aeberhard – Handsome Boy

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It can sometimes be pretty difficult to write a post title about a model, and include everything that you think needs to be said about the post to draw people in to read it. So for this post featuring the really good looking Jan Aeberhard there wasn't much else I could say other than the fact that he really is extremely handsome!

One of my friends emailed me these pics after he told me about this boy he's hooked up with. They met at one of the clubs last weekend and he's admitted to me that he's infatuated with him. I'm always skeptical of claims like that, I'm not sure I believe in love at first sight and all that stuff. But when I saw thew pics of Jan Aeberhard I could total;y understand it!

My buddy swears that his new lover looks exactly like this handsome boy, and if that's true then more power to them!

Fresh-faced Jan Aeberhard hails from Switzerland, but is currently in Australia where he arrived as a student. I guess he went for it thinking that he might have a chance, and all it took was a Polaroid sent to Vivien's Model Management and he was being signed up. Could he be the next big thing?

Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (1) Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (2) Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (3) Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (4) Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (5) Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (6) Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (7) Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (8) Jan Aeberhard - Handsome Boy (9)  

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12 years ago

Damn, he is handsome!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE Please? 🙂 thanks!

12 years ago

Thank you it is good to see more average looking guys.