And Today I’m Drooling Over Drew Pare

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Do you ever have those days when you see a guy that really makes you want to lock yourself away in a room and enjoy some "alone time"? I had that today when I saw some pics of the gorgeously handsome Drew Pare in a magazine at a friends place, and as soon as I got home I was out on the net looking for more of the guy.

I know I've probably said this a few times before, but if there was ever a guy I could use as some kind of benchmark when friends ask me what kind of men I'm into, Drew Pare would be guy I would offer as the epitome of everything male and gorgeous.

Check out that face, you know I'm right. And he just gets even better from there down, with an amazing muscled body and a perfectly peachy little ass too.

Everything about this guy gets me horny, with those sparkling eyes and the perfectly playful smile... The next time someone asks me what I want for my birthday I'm gonna set them a challenge, I want Drew Pare naked, on my bed, for an hour. That's all I'd need to get in plenty of fun. I recharge quickly ;)

Muscled young model Drew Pare (1) Muscled young model Drew Pare (2) Muscled young model Drew Pare (3) Muscled young model Drew Pare (4) Muscled young model Drew Pare (5) Muscled young model Drew Pare (6) Muscled young model Drew Pare (7) Muscled young model Drew Pare (8)  

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12 years ago

Oh, those baby blues… Come to daddy!

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