Hot Boys In Weird Outfits

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Being a little bit "arty" I have a thing for really creative photography, but in this case I was left a little bit confused by the show.

This is a recent shoot for the 20th edition of Vanguardist magazine, featuring two hot boys called Daniel and Gyuri. Of course, for us it's mostly about the hot boys, but they are kind of overwhelmed by the clashing and crashing of the theatrical garb they're sporting in these pics.

The photographer is Sam Scott Schiavo, with styling by Mirza Sprecakovic (the latter being the guilty party I guess! lol)

So, what do we think of these images? Are they imaginative and clever, or are they just an example of what happens when you get too many creatives involved in a shoot and they get a little bored or perhaps even competitive? lol

In my opinion, there's not enough flesh on show. And although I like a couple of the images here, I think it should be more about the models and less about creating something strange. There's not a whole lot of cohesion in the shoot and no clear theme. The title of the editorial is "The New Transformers", but I fail to see the connection at all.

Oh, and someone needs to tell the cute boy in the three hats that he can't eat conkers - that is a true original sentence that no other person has ever said in the history of humankind :)

So there you have it, my take on a shoot that could be better. But, at least it's caused a discussion, which is what Art is supposed to do, right?

Vanguardist - Hot metalworker has a mishap

Vanguardist - Masked model

Vanguardist - Smoking hot

Vanguardist - Slim and sexy male model

Vanguardist - Wow, what a big weapon!

Vanguardist - Sexy bulges

Vanguardist - You can't eat conkers

Vanguardist - Sexy male model

Vanguardist - Hot underwear boy

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12 years ago

Are those conkers, or are they chestnuts? (Even if they are, they’re inedible in that state…)

12 years ago

Just because it’s weird doesn’t make it art!