Gorgeous Young Hunk Bart Colom

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Bart Colom is another of those guys I simply cannot believe we have never featured on this blog before. If we have, let me know, but I couldn't find him here. He's simply gorgeous, so handsome, and that body is delicious! He actually reminds me of a guy I knew when I was in my very early 20's. He had the same build and the same incredible good looks. Although he was a little younger than I was, we had a whole lot in common, and he was just starting out exploring his sexuality too. Great fun was had by all, apart from the girl he'd been seeing! lol

Bart Colom has his own blog where he shares all his model exploits, his moves around the country (and the world) and his hopes for the future. Having read through a bit of it, he seems to be a really sweet guy; genuine and sincere.

You can check that out to see plenty more images and learn a whole lot more about the guy too. I guess that makes this post a little pointless in what I can say about him, so check out Bart's Ride In Life and read up for yourself!

Bart Colom - Hairy and Tempting Bart Colom - Handsome Bart Colom - Attitude Bart Colom - Tight Muscles Bart Colom - Intense Model Look Bart Colom - Underwear Bart Colom - Really Sexy Bart Colom - Hot Geek

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12 years ago

I’d like to donate some money & buy this amazing guy, SOME CLOTHES!! :-)..he is something…



12 years ago

Clothes are the last thing this hunk needs!

12 years ago

yeah, buy him a watch instead so he’ll never be late when he comes over πŸ™‚