Kazakhstan Model Eugen Bauder

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Okay, so I don't use the word often, but I really do definitely have another Beautiful guy for you in this post.

This might be a bit of shock, but Eugen Bauder is originally from Kazakhstan, a small village called Alma Ata. I know, you're thinking, "What? He's not Californian?" lol

No, he's not even American, but wait for it... he now resides in Los Angeles!

This young, shy and incredibly modest young man never believed he had what it took to be a male model. But one look at his handsome features and that awesome body is enough to confirm that yes, he definitely has what it takes to be up there with the best of them. And if that wasn't confirmation enough, the acclaim that he has gained from professional photographers should be the icing on the proverbial cake. Because he's been hunted by some major names behind the lenses including Karl Simone, Mario Testino and Tony Duran. And if the photographers are after you to appear for them you are definitely on the right path!

Now, if you don't mind, this is the straw that stroked the camels sack and I have to go and investigate the viability of a move to California. :)

Eugen Bauder - Underwear Eugen Bauder - Hunk Eugen Bauder - Gorgeous Young Model Eugen Bauder - Athletic Young Body Eugan Bauder - Gorgeous Male Body Eugen Bauder - Youthful and sexy Eugan Bauder - Young Hunk Model Eugan Bauder - Athletic Model Pose Eugen Bauder - Underwear Pose


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13 years ago

He is quite a lovely boy. It will be interesting to see his progression as he matures.

13 years ago

He’s gorgeous. (But note that Alma-Ata is not a small village — until recently, it was the capital city, and its population is over 1 million.)

Remington Smith
Remington Smith
3 years ago

Vast variety of depicted captured images if he stays at this bodytye and doesn’t get any muscular he body will be apealing to highclas brands & advertisers guaranteed!✈

3 years ago

Please learn some geography! Almaty is a big city! Not a small village. Former capital too !!

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