Gorgeous Australian Guy Saxon Dunworth

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So, it turns out I was wrong about this gorgeous Australian guy the first time we saw him.

Way back in 2013 we took a look at handsome young Saxon Dunworth.

I somehow managed to convince myself that he was American.

You would probably understand why if you click here and take a look at those pics. He was playing the part of the college athlete in those images. He definitely looked like a stereotypical US college boy so I think I can be forgiven for making that assumption.

I guess that just goes to show how influential presentation is.

When he passed my attention again this morning I did a little more digging and discovered the truth.

He is definitely an Aussie and lives in Sydney.

He's also a gorgeous guy dealing with osteoarthritis, while staying in great shape as a male model. I have a little arthritis setting in but thankfully it's very minor and manageable.

While I don't know when all of these photos were taken it seems as though he's still doing his thing. He's still posing and looking damn fine for all kinds of photographers and brands.

Considering we last saw him more than ten years ago, I think that's an achievement worth congratulating!

Enjoy him once again. I'm hoping to see a little more from this gorgeous Australian guy in the future. It would be interesting to see him pose nude but i get the feeling he's not that kind of guy.

Drop a comment. Hit the thumbs-up button. Have a great Saturday!

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5 days ago

un beau modèle, des belles mises en scène , de l’art

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