Gorgeous Hunk Model Paolo Bellucci Is Back!

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It's been more than two years since we last saw gorgeous hunk model Paolo Bellucci here on the blog and I don't know why.

It could be that I just haven't been paying attention, or he's maybe taken a break from modeling.

Honestly, with the number of gorgeous dudes I see every week it probably likely I just haven't seen him.

Whatever the reason, we're all glad to see him back here and showing off that incredible body.

While we would all like to see more of him naked, we've got plenty of that already here. Click his name above to see those posts!

This time we're posing in some sexy fetish gear for photographer Joan Crisol, and it's damn hot.

The man is so handsome and that physique is incredible. I think we all agree he has one of the sexiest bodies in the world.

He reminds me a little of Paddy O'Brian. If you know who he is you get it. Some guys just have remarkable musculature and they know how to maintain it.

Enjoy this gorgeous hunk model again and leave a comment below if you want more of him. Don't forget to see the previous posts with him, you get to see him jacking off!

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1 month ago

You are a handsome boy, you have muscles, you are interested in me

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