Random Dicks For A Midweek Treat!

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I'm not sure how long it's been since we had a post of random dicks here on the blog, but you know I've got a big collection.

I've raided one of the folders on my desktop and found this collection of sexy dudes showing off their assets. I already know a lot of you guys are going to appreciate them.

We could have gone with a collection of selfies, but I'm saving that for another post later. If you want more then I would suggest sticking around :)

In the meantime, I need to ask... do you have dick pics on your phone?

I think these days it depends on age, right?

A couple of years ago I was doing a little "research" and I asked a few friends if they had any pics like that on their phone. All the guys in their 30s admitted they did, but everyone over around 45 said no.

Is it a generational thing? Are younger guys more likely to have random dicks stored away on their devices?

Anyway, enjoy these guys. Leave a comment if you have a fave. Hit the thumbs-up button!

Have a fantastic Wednesday :)

Click here if you want to check out more nude men.

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2 days ago

I love dick…

Uncut Henry
Uncut Henry
2 days ago

Awesome. Truly a great way to start my day.
beautiful dick.

Uncut Henry
Uncut Henry
2 days ago

Awesome. Truly a great way to start my day.
beautiful dick.

1 day ago

Wow sexy men

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