More Guille Chóa Cock Pics For Your Best Monday!

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What could make your Monday better than seeing more Guille Chóa cock pics?

I needed a little cheering up this morning. We've had torrential rain and I got caught out in it while running errands.

When I say it rained, I mean the streets were flooding within minutes lol

I haven't seen anything like it for years.

So, I got home and tried to dry off, then I thought about what I was going to be sharing with you guys.

I considered some wet hunks, just to stay in-theme with my damp mood, but that led me to more of this gorgeous man.

We've had Guille Choa cock pics here before of course. He always gets a lot of love from you guys. So when I found more of him showing off his fine body and big uncut dick I had to share him again.

And it has actually been several months since we last enjoyed him. Some would say that's far too long to have to wait for more of this stunning dude.

Enjoy the sexy hunk once more. Leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him, too.

Most of all, have a great Monday. I hope it's not as wet as mine has turned out to - unless it's in a good way lol

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J.A. Fludd
5 days ago

Truly beautiful. All guys of this type should show it this much.

5 days ago

I am in LUST !

5 days ago

jeez!! So fucking hot, would love to share his bed!

4 days ago

Wow sexy pics.loved it.

Uncut Henry
Uncut Henry
3 days ago

Very hot bodies. The Hard rippled are definitely my type.

1 day ago

Wow. I too love dicks.

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