More Of Osito Blanco Naked And Hard!

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Happy Saturday, enjoy some more of gorgeous and hairy hunk Osito Blanco naked and hard :)

I had these in a folder on my desktop since we last checked him out back in March. I'm not sure why it's taken this long to enjoy him again, but I know you're all gonna be glad to see him.

If you didn't check out that previous biker shoot, click his name above and take a look. You're gonna enjoy it :)

So while we don't know a whole lot more about this gorgeous man we do know he's a model and a performer.

He's one of those guys who crosses those lines from erotic to sexy and back again. I don't think he's posed for any major brands, but he should have.

Osito Blanco is a very horny man. A lot of his work is blatantly erotic. It's all solo, too. He's the kind of guy who loves to get naked and jack off in front of a photographer.

And yes, he makes me wish I changed my career and got to grips with my first SLR properly. Maybe if I had I'd be traveling the world right now taking photos of gorgeous guys like him?

Follow your dreams, guys lol

Enjoy these pics of Osito Blanco naked and hard. Drop a comment below. Hit the thumbs-up button and share the post. I'll see you back here tomorrow for more hotness!

Have a lovely Saturday.

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Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
16 days ago

He’s one of those that are sexier when he’s not hard, but either way, with that beautiful fur, he’s beautiful.

Lea Hendricks
Lea Hendricks
15 days ago

One hot sexy dude

Uncut Henry
Uncut Henry
15 days ago

I like it.yummy