Big Dicked Damian Effler Naked And Hard!

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We definitely needed more of Damian Effler naked.

Happy Friday guys! I hope the end of your working week is going well. If it's not the end of your working week you have my sympathies.

The sight of Damian Effler naked on the blog again should cheer some of you up, though!

Coincidentally, it was also a Friday when we last saw him back in April last year. Maybe I have a certain "type" I go for on Fridays? lol

As a little bit of a recap... this guy isn't technically a professional male model. He's one of those very sexy and creative guys with a serious boner for erotic photography.

And when I say he has a serious boner, I mean it!

This guy has a big cock, an impressive dong we would all love the chance to experience for ourselves.

I don't use the word dong a lot, but sometimes it just fits, you know?

His is what I would call a lovely dong, and I'll fight you in the comments if you don't agree.

He also has a lovely ass and a hot bod.

Honestly, he might be one of my fave non-models. I really love when sexy guys just have that naturally horny attitude. You just know he's a sexual adventurer and probably knows all the best sex clubs in NYC lol

Check out more of Damian Effler naked. Leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button. Most of all, have a great Friday!

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Bill Cameron
Bill Cameron
6 months ago

I love your blog so much. You have great talent for choosing dazzling men who’ve been superbly photographed. Well done!

Reply to  Bill Cameron
6 months ago

Thanks Bill! Much appreciated…feel free to stick around 🙂

Brian N
Brian N
5 months ago

He is getting me horny just looking at him. Love your blog as well and the wide types of men you post.

Lea Hendricks
Lea Hendricks
5 months ago

Hot bod hot ass and a very hot long boner. I want it really bad

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