Gorgeous Model Hunk Dmitry Averyanov In Black And White

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We would love to see this gorgeous model hunk in any format, but you guys know I'm a bit of a simp for some good black and white photography by a great creator.

In this instance we have the absolutely stunning Dmitry Averyanov showing off his body and butt for an unknown photographer.

We love this handsome man.

We've enjoyed him here on the blog numerous times since we first checked him out way back in 2016.

He hasn't slowed down much since then.

Then again, with a face and a body like that you can understand why every photographer wants to work with him.

While I don't know who is responsible for these photos (they arrived by email and searches produced no information) we can all appreciate their artistry.

Some of these shots remind me of a more stylized version of the classic images from the AMG days.

All he needs is a Roman pillar and it would really fit right in!

And before you ask I have no idea what the plastic wrap is about. I guess it adds a little more texture and interest to the shoot, though. Maybe it's alluding to a kink?

Enjoy this gorgeous model hunk again and leave a comment below if you want more. I do check for him regularly :)

Have a great Monday and I'll see you back here tomorrow for more hotties!

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Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Boas fotos (⁠●⁠’⁠3⁠)⁠♡⁠(⁠ε⁠`⁠●⁠)

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