Austrian Male Model Peter Mairhofer Is On The Rise

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6' tall, ripped and super handsome, Austrian male model Peter Mairhofer is set to become a major name in the modeling business.

Apparently he started modeling at just 16 back in Austria, but we've only just seen him hitting the major leagues. I think we can tell from this mix of pics that this guy has a lot of what it takes to go far.

I did a little reading about this Austrian male model and it's pretty interesting.

He's a very driven guy and although he didn't plan on this career once he realized it was going somewhere he was all-in.

That doesn't mean he gave up his back-up plan of being a hairdresser. He kept at that too so he has something else going on.

It really paid off for him. In a few short years he was on the Milan catwalks.

I think that's probably why we haven't seen him before. It seems to me there are two sides to the business. On one side you have the handsome models who pose for photographers and brands, on the other you have the catwalk models.

Of course a guy can cross over and back again, but I think either of these keeps you pretty busy.

Whatever he does, these pics show how handsome and super fit he is.

I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of this guy in the future and I can't wait!

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Um Brasileiro
Um Brasileiro
1 year ago

Eu tô passado, engomado e no cabide (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡

1 year ago

He’s incredible. That chest hair…

Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
1 year ago

Very nice looking young man. Nice fur pattern. If he would stay out of the gyms and get a more natural look, he would be beautiful.

Reply to  Gordon Powell
1 year ago

ok then lol

1 year ago

une belle gueule, avec de l’avenir si un bon photographe capture tous ses aspects cachés ou révélés

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