Ítalo Fassin Naked And Sexy For Jeferson Medrado

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You might not know who he is right now, but after seeing Ítalo Fassin naked you're probably gonna want a lot more of him on the blog.

After finding these pics in my emails this morning you can bet I'm gonna be out there searching for other shoots. Let's hope we're not disappointed :)

It's great when I open my emails to discover a sexy man like this waiting for me. I feel like the universe rewarded for my morning run, something I haven't done for weeks.

Although, maybe it's better to give my friend Mark the credit for sending this man my way.

I'm feeling the aftermath of that run now, but this sexy man is a good distraction from the ache :)

So, what can I tell you about him? He's a Brazilian hunk from São Paulo, with a great body, a handsome face and a lovely dick.

He's also an influencer and marketer, and I think he might be a personal trainer. Most of these guys are, right?

Can I also admit that he reminds me a little of Fabien Sassier? I'm not sure exactly what it is, maybe it's an all around theme or attitude?

He's his own man though, of course, and after seeing Ítalo Fassin naked for the first time I'm going to be spending some time looking for more.

Also, this is our first time enjoying the photography of Jeferson Medrado. I love this simple style and the colors. If this is what he does I think we need to see more of their work.

Enjoy this handsome man, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post! Have a fantastic Thursday and I'll see you all back here tomorrow.

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1 year ago

I follow him on reddit. He’s a hottie!

Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Nota 10(⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡

1 year ago

You are absolutely correct. I had this instant feeling Jeferson was giving off that Fabien doppelgänger vibe. Except, Jef is thicker whereas the Frenchman is longer with a plump mushroom head.

1 year ago

Another cock teaser. Not a good look. Be bold what you have to share is a superior body. Stopped hiding Your best; Be bold, Be proud Be beautiful.

1 year ago

Les poses, les gestes, les sous-vêtements , les éclairages, et le CORPS : le sexy , pour moi, c’est un mélange de tout cela !

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