Aussie Jock Stud Thomas Mezger Is Super Sexy

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So you know we saw sexy John Kuhl yesterday, posing for photographer James Demitri in a summer shoot. Well, we now have Aussie jock stud Thomas Mezger to round things out!

This was a double shoot with both handsome young dudes but I wanted to feature them both individually.

To be honest, I didn't think there was enough of the two gorgeous guys interacting in the same pics to make it a full post.

As you've probably noticed I love Australian guys.

I think they're some of the hottest on the planet. They're so easygoing and fun.

We've seen some real Aussie hotties here in the past, but I often complain that we don't get enough of them because they're so far away from the mainstream modeling business.

Maybe that's changing? Clearly there's a lot of talent down under and we would all love to see more Aussie jock stud models like this guy here on the blog.

I can't tell you a whole lot about him but he is most definitely a professional fashion model, not a geologist or engineer like his friend John.

That's enough for us though! He's handsome, sexy and we want more!

Leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, share the post. Have a great Sunday :)

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1 year ago

sexy en rose, jaune et bleu

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