Our First Look At Military Muscle Man Logan Franklin

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I think my friends have started to learn that I need more than a name and pics when they recommend a hunk by email, because this handsome ex-military muscle man arrived with a bio! His name is Logan Franklin and he's immense! This guy is definitely one for all the muscle fans out there. The handsome hunk is in his early 30s and he's looking incredible, but when you discover how much work he puts into that it's kind of understandable. I know I've said this before, but you don't get a body like this from your morning run, sitting at a desk eating snacks, then going to the gym maybe twice a week. I know this from experience lol Like a lot of guys in the bodybuilding world Logan started out early. In his teens he was a victim of bullying despite being an athlete, so he decided to fight back by developing this kind of body. He then joined the US military, fought in Afghanistan, then went home and started competing in the bodybuilding world. He's been pretty successful, too. I don't know much about competing, but I can confirm that this former military muscle man is gorgeous and he has an amazing body. Enjoy some pics and leave a comment below. Do you think you'd ever have the commitment and stamina to gain a physique like this? I guess there has to be at least a couple of guys here who have been in the bodybuilding world. Where you at? :) Have a lovely Friday, see you back here tomorrow!  

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Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
1 year ago

Gross. He doesn’t even look human anymore.

1 year ago

beau choix de différentes attitudes et tenues mais son regard est troublant : militaire toujours à l’affut ?

1 year ago

a fine body. Sexy

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