If Chad White Worked Out Shirtless At Your Gym You’d Be There More Often

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Happy Friday everyone!

Are you ready for Christmas? And should I have asked you that question?

I'm pretty well organized this year. I have everything wrapped and bagged and ready to go. I have appropriate booze for the family, and I have munchies to add to the table. I'm planning to spend most of the day buzzed while my sis does her usual thing of both demanding assistance then complaining about everyone getting the in the way lol

So, after that little tangent...

We have more of sexy and super handsome Chad White for you guys today.

We haven't seen him since way back in 2017 and I don't now why. Did he leave the business? Am I just missing all his sexy new shoots?

This one is a little different. He's not wearing tight little underwear, which is a shame, but he is working out for photographer Paul John Scott.

Something about it makes me think of those old 1950s shoots with college jocks. You know what I mean? Maybe it's the setting and the black and white style.

It's a nice shoot, he's a gorgeous guy with a great body. I do wish there was more of him in his underwear though, like the shoots he used to appear in :)

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, have a great Friday and I'll see you back here tomorrow!

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1 year ago

Gym? Gym? Why would you torture yourself?

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